
“What can be worse than experiencing intense pain without relief? I’ve donated to support OPIS’s initiative.”

– Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University

OPIS relies on donations like yours to fund our projects. We believe that our projects have high expected value because of their potential to exert long-lasting positive impact through the implementation of compassionate values in governance. We have the demonstrated ability to produce successful results on a modest budget. Help us achieve our ambitions!


  1. PayPal: you can make a single or monthly donation on this page via your PayPal account or credit card (1 Swiss Franc ~1.04 Euro)
  2. Bank transfer: direct transfer from your bank or via Wise to one of our bank accounts. This is preferable for larger one-time donations, avoiding PayPal fees:

Donations in Swiss Francs:
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 1623 4862 0
Bank address: Postfinance Ltd, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland

Donations in Euros or other currencies:
IBAN: CH17 0900 0000 9116 4774 4
Bank address: Postfinance Ltd, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland